Daniel Imparatelu, Bailesti, Romania

Daniel Imparatelu, Bailesti, Romania


    Name: Daniel Imparatelu

    From: Bailesti, Romania

    Highschool: “Dimitrie Filisanu” Technological Highschool

    Course: Computer Science and Software Engineering

    “Thanks to the help of Partnerships for Change, I am now a student of the University of Bedfordshire in the UK. I would like to say a few words about the whole process leading to this moment, so here we go. After hearing about this organisation which would intermediate the process of signing up for university, I was already sold on it. Not only did they keep all the promises they made to me and the rest of the students, but also they kept in touch with us all the time, responding to every email from every single one of us, giving us advice and telling us what we should do next. This made everything so, so much easier. And it was all free. They never asked me for anything whatsoever, even though the amount of work they had to do to get me here was absolutely insane, and for this I will be forever grateful to them. Thank you Oana and Lal for this amazing opportunity you showed us and for all the work you have done!”


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