Leonardo Milosi, Corbii Mari, Romania

Leonardo Milosi, Corbii Mari, Romania

    Name: Leonardo Milosi

    From: Corbii Mari, Romania

    Highschool: “Vladimir Streinu” National College

    Course: Business Studies

    “I am really grateful because Lal and Oana took care of me through every step of my difficult journey and offered me support in every little problem and misunderstanding I have had. When I talk to other students and see what they went through to get here, then I realise how bumpy and complicated my journey could’ve been.  They are still open to answer to my questions and help me with any problems I have.  There is not a big enough reward I can give you for all these wonderful things.  For those who are going to be looked after by you, I can only tell them that they will be blessed beyond belief to have someone like you to take care of them. Getting to the University with the help of Lal and Oana has been one of the most important and exciting phases of my life. Thank you again for everything you’ve done for me.”

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