Stefania Tudorascu, Filiasi, Romania

Stefania Tudorascu, Filiasi, Romania

    Name: Stefania Tudorascu

    From: Filiasi, Romania

    Highschool: “Dimitrie Filisanu” Technological Highschool

    Course: Human Resource Management

    “Moving to a foreign country for university is not an easy step to make, especially on your own. Thankfully, Partnerships for Change was there to help make this transition smooth and much more pleasant. They have helped with all the necessary information and services, from filling out forms to showing me around. How effective and dedicated the team was should not go unmentioned, especially since they were directly involved in everything, and available whenever needed. Now, that the process is finally completed I can wholeheartedly say that I have not only met two extremely professional people, but I have also made two amazing friends.”

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