Alexis Iordache, Timisoara, Romania

Alexis Iordache, Timisoara, Romania

    Name: Alexis Iordache

    From: Timisoara, Romania

    Highschool: “William Shakespeare” Theoretical Highschool

    Course: Music Technology

    “When I first heard of the opportunity Lal and Oana had to offer, I initially thought it was too good to be true. However, after deciding to give it a shot, I came to realise that, with their help, I was about to change my life forever. Ever since the start of my application I have constantly been supported on every level – the University application, the student loan application, finding accommodation and every stage of the process that followed. Even after my arrival into the United Kingdom, the support from their side never ceased, but rather increased. In the end, everything they promised they would do, they did, never even charging a penny for it – and I doubt there are many other people out there who would have done this. Truth be told, thanks to Lal and Oana and the doors they opened, I finally feel that my life has changed for the better – and that I do have a future now.”

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