Madalina Anghel, Calafat, Romania

Madalina Anghel, Calafat, Romania

    Name: Madalina Anghel

    From: Calafat, Romania

    Highschool: “Independenta” Highschool

    Course: Criminology

    “Since I was a child I dreamed of being a cop but due to my height I could not take the exam for the Police Academy, so I decided to come to England and follow my dream at the University of Bedfordshire with Lal and Oana as advisors and “parents” at the same time. They offered me this opportunity and guided me. I applied by filling in the application form and now I am studying Criminology at one of the best universities. If you want to follow your dream and you want to do what you like the most, then speak to Partnerships for Change and they will advise you on which course is right for you and for the career you want. And if you want to talk with someone about the University, I will also be happy to help!”

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